You truly are the medicine you are seeking.

My purpose and passion is as a guide and facilitator,
to re-awaken your innate healing potential
so you may re-discover the magic and power of your true self
and create your best life.

Discover your innate capacity to heal : Wellbeing · Wholeness · Connection

REIKI TRAINNG - Learn foundation to teacher level

"Do not allow yourselves to put limits on the Reiki energy, for it is as limitless and infinite as the Universe"
Usui Mikao (The Founder of Original Usui Reiki)


Reiki is a powerful and wonderful system of healing.

Either received during a treatment or learned on one of my courses, it is a powerful catalyst for us to see beyond the illusions of the physical world and begin our healing journey from the inside.

I run a series of programmes throughout the year for health professionals and anyone interested in learning Reiki for self-healing or to become practitioners themselves.

Training takes place in Chalfont St Peter and runs over a weekend.

Rest assured this is the real deal. A beautiful experience, safe, authentic and a responsible, caring approach and environment in which to learn and absorbJC
I attended a Reiki level I & II weekend course led by Serap and had a brilliant time. Serap is a great teacher and listener. She has a lot of experience and delivers her skills and knowledge with warmth, patience and humour. I am excited to delve into the world of Reiki and grateful for Serap's guidance and wisdom.SC

About me and Innate Healing...

Serap Enver : Innate Healing

"The wound is the place light enters you..." Rumi

I have always felt a deep calling to the healing arts.  Motivated and inspired by my own personal experience of dis-ease, I ‘accidentally’ but serendipitously embarked on the mission of all missions!  A wild and magical healing journey, that continues to evolve, every moment of each day presenting me with opportunities to access deeper states of healing, or more accurately un-learn the limiting ways of the smaller self, and then to put them into practice so I can live in conscious connection with my true nature.  The capacity to heal and live the life of our greatest dreams, is a natural ability.  In fact it’s really the stuff of what we are made of, not what we do! 

I am not the healer – you are.   I just remind you of what you already know and possess within.


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Serap is a Reiki Master Teacher, Quantum Touch Energy Practitioner, Mindfulness Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist. She also uses Shamanic healing techniques and shadow work within her practice. Sessions are tailored to each individual clients needs at the time and often more than one modality is used to treat a condition or dis-ease. As an approved registered Teacher of the Reiki Guild UK and an Associate member of the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council, Serap follows a strict code of ethical conduct and continued personal development.

"I practice what I teach, share and promote – self development and inner healing is a life long vocation and the only limits to our wellness and wholeness are those that we set ourselves"


An experienced, warm and caring practitioner Serap runs her practice in Chalfont St Peter and also online classes and sessions via zoom. Sessions are tailored to meet each individuals needs and single or multiple therapies can be used together to achieve the desired outcome and maximum benefit.

Your therapy space
Reiki Healing Sessions
Reiki, Mindfulness & Hypnotherapy
Chalfont St Peter

Ready to book or want to find out more...

Schedule a free 15 minute chat with Serap to discuss how Innate Healing might work for you


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